Monday, 17 April 2017

Guess Who's Back, Back Again.

So, I'm back trying to do this blogging thing once again. I know, I know -  I said the same thing 2 years ago and it was an epic fail. Who knows, maybe I'll give up on blogging this time around too - we'll see how long I can keep this up. I'm finding that as I'm getting older, my memory is getting worse so it's nice to have something to look back on once in a while to remind myself of all the things I liked (and how awkward I can be). It's also kind of fun to be writing again.

I originally named this blog, "Cupful of Joy" because I wanted to document all the random things that made me happy - vacations, music, hot celebrities, etc. It seems appropriate to be writing on this blog again because I'm at a point in my life where I really do feel joy. It took 8 years of post-secondary education (at 3 different institutions) but I'm finally done with school and I have a job that I honestly enjoy and that I'm good at. I moved into a gorgeous house that is awesome enough to not make me sad about moving out of the house I lived my whole life in. I have 2 adorable nephews who can turn any bad day into a good day the minute you see them. And I have a boyfriend who is such a sweet guy and I can be myself around without worrying if I seem uncool or dorky. I mean, let's face it - I am uncool and dorky but I found someone who can appreciate that :) 

Speaking of the boyfriend, it's funny how life is sometimes. I am a firm believer that things happen when they're supposed to happen. We actually knew of each other back in high school but I'm almost positive that if we dated back then, it wouldn't have lasted. The nerd in me would have put school as a priority and I would have been a terrible girlfriend. Fast forward to 2016 - I graduated, I started my career as an RT, and I was finally ready to venture out into the scary dating world...and there he was. Awkward online dating avoided! Whew! It's actually scary how easy (and quickly) this whole dating thing unfurled, not that I'm complaining. I guess when you know, you know. No need to play games.

Anyway, that's a quick update on my life. I plan on updating this blog with random things - most likely less life updates and more light, fun stuff. That's the goal anyways. 

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