Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Toronto Blue Jays: New Jerseys, New Season

10 years ago, I hated baseball. I couldn't hit the ball; I couldn't catch the ball; and I couldn't understand how anyone could be interested in such a boring game that lasted over 3 hours. I still can't hit or catch the ball but my love for baseball, specifically the Toronto Blue Jays, has evolved. It all started with one boring summer and my mom teaching me the rules of the game. Then I got to know the players, made nicknames for them, and the start of an addiction began. As they say on Moneyball, it's hard not to be romantic about baseball. There isn't much that feels as amazing as a walkoff win. I can't even imagine a year without my Boys of Summer now.

Spring Training started this week. I love this time of year. It's full of optimism and hope that this will be the year. This will be the year the Toronto Blue Jays make the playoffs - I truly believe it's possible. The Blue Jays are a young group of guys with so much drive and talent. And I am so thankful for Twitter because it's shown that not only are the Jays great athletes, they're also great people with so much personality. It's made me love them even more. Let's hope that 8 months from now, that optimism is still around and the Jays are playing some October ball. I can already picture myself crying hysterically.

Blue Jays on Twitter:
J.P. Arencibia - @jparencibia9 | Ricky Romero - @RickyRo24 | Jose Bautista - @joeybats19 | Travis Snider - @lunchboxhero45 | Brandon Morrow - @2Morrow23 | Brett Lawrie - @blawrie13 |  Casey Janssen - @CaseyJanssen | Eric Thames - @EThames14

1 comment:

  1. Aww. I relate more to 10-years-ago-Kelly but I like your love for baseball haha.
