Tuesday 14 August 2012

My iTunes Replacement

Source: alancross.ca

I have found my new favourite music website: Songza!

It started off with procrastination from writing my advertising/digital marketing report (only 1 more day of school, woohoo!). I was lying in bed looking for new apps to download on my iPhone and I came across Songza. I didn't think much of it when I pressed the download button but when I opened it, I thought wow, this is too good to be true. FREE MUSIC! No annoying pop-up ads, no commercials in-between songs, just straight music.

The coolest thing about Songza is the process of picking a playlist. It's called the Music Concierge and it's got a playlist for any mood you're in. Waking up, working out, studying; it's got it all. I've been listening to a lot of new music and it's been great finding songs to add to my iTunes list. It's also been fun listening to old music I forgot all about.

After a few hours of dilly-dallying, I ended up picking the Epic Film Scores playlist under "work/study (no lyrics)" and got to work writing my report. I  felt like I could conquer the world! Or y'know, at least conquer a school project. Same thing. So really, what started off as procrastination ended up motivating me to finish. Win!

Some of the playlists I've enjoyed so far:
- Songs to Raise Your Kids To
- Indie Sellouts 
- 00's Pop Divas
- The World of One Direction (just kidding...or am I?? hehe)

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