Thursday 3 May 2012

New York City: Day 4 - April 24

Two more days to go! Let's get cracking.

New York has been known to have some of the best bagels so after doing some research, I decided to check out Murray's Bagels in Greenwich Village. They've got a great selection of bagels to choose from; I ended up going with their garlic bagel and my mom chose the Health Grain. I don't know what it is but their bagels really do taste pretty darn good. I am a carbs girl though so I'm happy snacking on any fresh bread.

We got our bagels buttered but it wasn't really necessary.
I scraped off a lot of my butter.

After getting our bagels, we walked over to Union Square to eat our breakfast. Then we took a walk around Whole Foods (they've got special escalators for shopping carts!) and we did a bit of shopping at Forever 21 (where Michelle got separated from Nicole and me two years prior, hehe).

As I mentioned in a previous post, we went back to Rockefeller Center for the third and final time. My mom bought her customary magnet souvenir and we returned to Uniqlo (yet again) to do a return. The stores are so big in New York; when we walked into Uniqlo I knew we had been there before but we went up the escalator and it was like we were there for the first time, nothing looked familiar! Turns out the first time we were there, we took the stairs and missed a whole chunk of the store. 

30 Rock!
5 points to Mom for spotting the Canadian flag first (not pictured)

I was watching Gossip Girl one day and the moment I saw Blair lining up outside a Laduree store in NYC, I knew I had to go there. It's funny that I've had their macarons twice (thanks Michelle!) but have never actually stepped foot in a Laduree store. Their macarons are a little pricy but they really are the best. We bought a box of 6 for my sister to return the favour and bought two for ourselves to enjoy in Central Park.

Such a cute display of macarons!

We kept going back and forth on the subway going downtown and then uptown and then back downtown (yay for Metrocards!). I forgot all about Strand Books when we were at Union Square so we went back down to check it out. It's like book heaven! We browsed through the books and I ended up getting a Hooty the Owl Pouch as a souvenir.

By this time, we were looking for something to snack on since we weren't hungry enough for an early dinner but we also couldn't wait until Death of a Salesman was over to eat - so Pommes Frites was the perfect place to go! It's a tiny little place near NYU I read about online. They only serve fries but they have an extensive list of sauces to choose from ($1 each). The guy working there was so nice! He gave us a sampling of different sauces and some fries to test out. My mom liked the Mexican ketchup (a mix of jalapeno, cilantro, and a bunch of other stuff) since she liked the spicy kick. The guy also gave us the Parmesan Peppercorn sauce on the house since it was his favourite. After finding out we were Canadian, he also offered some gravy (since they serve poutine) but we were too full.

The bottom of the cone had little crispy bits, yum!
Green sauce = mexican ketchup; white sauce = parmesan peppercorn
Red sauce = Especial (frite sauce, ketchup, and raw onion)

After a nap and some freshening up at the hotel, my mom and I headed up to the Barrymore Theatre to watch Death of a Salesman featuring Philip Seymour Hoffman and Andrew Garfield (and Fran Kranz, woot woot! haha). We were there early so we walked over to Duffy Square at Times Square to sit on the red steps and do some people watching.

I spy Nick Jonas!

I was in the same room as Andrew Garfield! :)

The play was super intense. I read the play before we went to New York but it was way more dramatic in person. Kudos to Philip Seymour Hoffman and Andrew Garfield; the two of them were amazing. There's so much emotion behind every word they say. I can't even imagine having to be in that fragile state for 6 shows a week. Also...Fran Kranz! Even when he's playing the super geeky Bernard, I can't help but love him (Reminder: I need to re-watch Dollhouse).

All I could think while watching was: ARMS!

Aww, I just wanted to give Andrew Garfield a big hug at the end :(

Seeing Death of a Salesman on Broadway was half the reason why I wanted to go to New York City. It was as good as I expected and it's obvious how talented Andrew Garfield and Philip Seymour Hoffman are. Tthere may have been a tear or two of mine...

1 comment:

  1. LOL that Forever 21 ... I was so annoyed LOL!
    Hot damn Andrew Garfield & and his arms. *__*
